


Interview series: Troy Neale, Stage 6 Topics in Modern History author

23 JULY 2018
We were very happy to sit down with Troy Neale, co-author of Power and Authority in the Modern World 1919-1946.

As well as co-authoring Power and Authority (one of the four titles in our Stage 6 Topics in Modern History series), Troy has also authored Apartheid in South Africa 1960-1994.

In this series of short videos, Troy gives us some insights into why Power and Authority is such an interesting study, how this benefits students in their learning and teachers in  the teaching of Modern History, and more!

More information about the series >>

CUP: Why is Power and Authority such an interesting choice for the new Stage 6 Modern History core syllabus topic?

CUP: What are the benefits of using a topic-specific book for teaching the core topic?

CUP: How does this topic book help students develop the key historical thinking and writing skills they need for success in this course?

CUP: What are some of the key sources that will really engage today's students in the topic?

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