An Introduction to Japanese Society

Welcome to the An Introduction to Japanese Society website.

The views presented in the websites, readings and multimedia materials provided here are not necessarily endorsed by the author, but rather are presented as points of entry into critical discussion and analysis.

Student resources

These resources are available to users of the book and require a username and password.

Note that when you click on a file, you will be prompted for your password just once for each session.

Resources include:

Files can be downloaded using the links below, or in one zip file.

Instructor resources

These resources are available to adopters of the book, and require a username and password. Please contact Cambridge University Press if you require a password, and provide details of course, semester and enrolment as well as your name, university and position. If you do not wish to be added to our contacts database and receive email marketing, please state this in your email.

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Note that when you click on a file, you will be prompted for your password just once for each session.

Resources in addition to those offered to students above include:

Files can be downloaded by chapter using the links below, or in one zip file.